Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Saturday in the desert- 102 degrees

Started Saturday morning in Kingman, Az, a little late due to the Friday night HOG pool party.  
Stopped at the local Harley dealer to ship all that wonderful camping gear home. Thirteen nights on the Route 66 and we never camped once. Five pieces of camping equipment for a total of 60 pounds.  With all that gear gone, my balance load is a lot less.  
We were a block away from the hotel and a bee flew into my helmet and had a field day stinging  my head.  Some ice cubes and a little sympathy made it all better. Hot already, going to 102 today.
The Route 66 road from Kingman to Oatman, AZ was the best yet. Mountains, desert, curves, no guard rails, very steep and hot hot hot. This little grocery store was our first stop for more water.

Check out the beauty of the desert. And the Old Route 66 road to Oatman.

Made it to Oatman, Az in time for the gun fight. Mike thought I should pose in front of the Jackass Junction. I don't know why!

Oh the good old innocent days along Route 66.  The hotel in Oatman.

Get ready for the Oatman gun fight at high noon.

This lady had some purpose in the gun fight, but I'm not sure what.

Burros and Kimbo wander the streets of Oatman, Az.

Entered the Golden State about 3 pm at 102 degrees. The Colorado River looks so good we had to ............. and we did.

Okay, finally a little Wild Hogs adventure.  This was not on the schedule, but we had to take a dip in the Colorado River.  The boots came off, first.

So cold, but so refreshing.  Best idea yet. Colorado River, Needles, Ca.

102 degrees in the desert.  Back in my old California yearbook territory.

This trip is coming to an end.  What a life experience this has been. The people, the Mother Road, all the states, places, sunshine, rain, wind, cold, hot. we've had it all.  One more day of riding and we should be at the end of Route 66 at Santa Monica Pier around 2 pm Sunday.  I'm excitedfor the finish, but I really don't want this Harley cross country trip to end.

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